MMCP students learn through play; don't use any technology and go outside (weather permitting) every day. Our curriculum is based on years of experience and approved by Madison
City kindergarten teachers!
Each month we have an overall theme and color focus that all classes follow. For our 18 month-2 year old classes, the emphasis is on getting used to routines, playing with friends, and opportunities for fine motor skills discovery.
As our preschool friends mature, we continue to teach them skills that will benefit their development and growth as they near kindergarten. We do this by implementing the Handwriting Without Tears succession of letter introductions, and practicing Heggerty phonemic awareness lessons for ten minutes a day, exposing students to letter sounds. We also have a "Specials" rotation that our classes attend separately each day of the week. This includes: art, music, library, STEM and movement.
Last, and certainly not least, we come together in the Sanctuary weekly for Chapel. There we sing songs and share a Bible story where the theme is simple: God loves you!